The skaters may get all the glory, but we know that we’d be nothing without our huge, dedicated crew of volunteers. These are the folks who keep this machine running, who show up hours before the whistle blows to set up the track, hang the sponsor posters, secure the area, get our merch on display and ready for sale, and who take care of us when we have a question, an injury, or anything else.
Ask any of us – our volunteers are the best!
Wanna join them? Check out our volunteer application here.
Ace Wrapper | Alyssa Bulatek | Ani Di-Shank-o | Apocalypse Wow |
Aria Underfoot | Ashes | Auntie Maim | Baby EMT |
Bill Jorgenson | Blissful Prick | Brian | Bust-E-Sutures |
Cathryn Smits | Chippy | Cindy | Cory Fleck |
Crush w/Eyeliner | Cyanide Slam | Cypress Greg | Doc Brawliday |
Doc. | Egon Strangler | Ennis the Mennis | Erica Jansen |
Frankie Johson | Gal Jazeera | Garrison Fjord | Get Hrbak |
Ichabod Payne | Jenny McElroy | John Maddening | Kitty Nip |
Kitty Skittles | Lacey Lingerie | Lefse-Wing Extremist | LEGOMan |
Lindsey McCahill | Lousy McHooch | Lucky O’Bourbon | Lumberjack Fantasies |
Mani-Ax | Marine One | Master of Disaster | Matthew Noonan |
Maxrad | Ms. N. Thrope | Nik | noise |
OK Corelle | Our Man Flip | Ox Floored | Painsley Park |
Phylis McCracken | Professor Hardcastle | Punch E Bruiser | Rachael Hawley |
Reverend Killjoy | Ron Wilbur | Ruthless | Shelby |
Snugglebunny | Stalker Channing | Sudden Danger | Thumper |
Tucker Smax | Tufflepuff | Vesta Vicious | Wet Spot |