Minnesota Roller Derby
R.I.P.unzel #9.8

Pronouns: She/They
Derby Career:
- Minnesota Roller Derby: Roller Vortex — 2022–Present
- Minnesota Roller Derby: Garda Belts — 2019–Present
- Minnesota Roller Derby: Debu-Taunts — 2018–2019
Athletic Background:
Danced and played the color guard in their high school marching band. Was a debutaunt in 2018 and 2019 but didn’t win any tiaras. Skated for the Gardas and got a lot of welts. Been spinning counter-clockwise since then.
- Mushrooms
- Rocks
- Hammocks
- Berries
- Mosquitoes
- Torn ligaments
Awards & Accolades:
- “You betcha I went 5 for 5” (got lead jammer 5 out of 5 jams), Team spirit
- Debs awards: “Energizer Bunny”, “Road Runner”, “Hit, Hit, Never Quit”, “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop”