Featured Skaters

Feb 5, 2015 | Featured Skaters
Kung POW Bitchin’ #313
by Ali Gory How many years have you been with the Minnesota Rollergirls? This is my second year. What position do you play? I am a blocker mainly, but I dabble in jamming.
Apr 8, 2013 | Featured Skaters
Hanna Belle Lector #37
Hanna Belle Lector has been skating with the Minnesota RollerGirls since the first season. Yep, Season 1 you could find her out on the track hitting other skaters around and there’s still no slowing her down; she’s a fighter in many ways and has the mentality that there’s more to be done, room to grow, […]
Mar 31, 2013 | Featured Skaters
Scootaloo #FU
The Minnesota RollerGirls is a volunteer-run effort. From the website to the marketing and public relations to the big production of bout night, it’s an “all hands on deck” approach. Meet Scootaloo: a knockout of a skater and a leading brand genius when it comes to publicizing the Minnesota RollerGirls’ work. Scoots (or Scootie), as she’s […]
Mar 23, 2013 | Featured Skaters
Abbie Mischief #318
If there ever was a rollergirl who seems to have done it all, it’s Abbie Mischief. And “seems” is modest – she has done it all! She’s a human sponge when it comes to the Minnesota RollerGirls; in her seven years involved in the league, she’s got a long rap sheet…watch out, here it comes: […]