Saturday February 8th, Season 21 Home Team Semifinals: Dino-sore, @Roy Wilkins Join On Facebook

New this season: first whistle is at 6pm! Season and bout tickets are available now!
Bout Takeover: Luck is in the air with the Minnesota Lottery’s take over of our semi-finals bout !
Featured Charity: MNRD and the Wednesday Warnings are proud to highlight the following community partner for the month of February:
MN Council for Environmental Advocacy: MCEA is a public interest law firm celebrating its 50th year defending Minnesota’s environment and the health of its people. We go to court to defend Minnesota’s environment, but we also work at all levels of government, including the U.S. Congress, Minnesota Legislature, local governments, and inside state agencies. We work on litigation, legislative and regulatory strategies to protect clean water, clean air, and environmental justice.