Dec 21, 2023 | Special Announcements
Girl Scout Badge Day with Minnesota Roller Derby 2023

Date: Saturday, January 13, 2024
Time: 3:30-5:00PM, followed by our bout!
Location: Roy Wilkins Auditorium, 175 Kellogg Blvd W St Paul, MN 55102
Ages: Juniors and up
Cost: $18/person (both adult and scout)
What to expect:
Experience the thrill of a skater run and led contact sport – roller derby! Get a behind the scenes tour of Minnesota Roller Derby, where you will learn about being an athlete as well as the basic rules of roller derby. After a behind the scenes tour and meeting several Minnesota Roller Derby members, stay and enjoy the game (known as a bout)! Juniors will earn their practice with Purpose Badge, Cadettes will earn their Good Sportsmanship Badge, and Seniors will earn their Cross Training Badge.
A break will be given for dinner. Troops will need to eat off site between the behind the scenes tour and the start of the roller derby bout. Minnesota Roller Derby will have a merchandise booth open during the bout, where we will be selling many items!
To register your troop, please complete this interest form.
Any scouts are welcome join us with your family in balcony section 219, which is reserved for scouts that night!