Sep 27, 2015 | Featured Skaters
Stinker Bell

by Ali Gory
Name: Stinker Bell
New Team: Official
Why did you decide to try out with MNRG? I turned 40 so why not?
What is your favorite bootcamp memory/lesson? I realized I can still do a wall handstand for more than 2 minutes.
How did you come up with your derby name? My kiddos named me. Peter Pan is their favorite play and Tinker Bell is stronger than she appears.
Do you have any special talents you would like us to know about? The ability to screw up any technological device in a way no one has before.
What do you do in “real life”? I’ve worked at a beautiful hotel for almost 12 years. I love my job.
Would you like to give a shout out to anyone? My kids who have supported and laughed at me since the day I bought my skates.