Apr 8, 2015 | Featured Skaters
Killsey McMurder

by Ali Gory
Name: Killsey McMurder, a.k.a. Killz
Number: 252 Life (said: 25 to Life like the sentence for murder charges)
Team: Dagger Dolls
Position: Jammer/Pivot
How did you come up with your derby name? My boss at my previous job came up with it! He really supported me as I went through boot camp and the draft process. He is much more creative than I am, so I left it up to him after being drafted.
How did you get into derby? My dear friend Ova Achieva, who was a member of MNRG before moving to Denver, invited me to one of her bouts. After watching if for a couple minutes, I knew I had to learn how to roller-skate and tryout. She skated with me a couple times at The Oval in Roseville and let me borrow her skates to learn on. I wouldn’t be skating at all if it wasn’t for her!
What is your favorite derby memory? The obvious answer would be winning the Golden Skate on March 14th (because that was freaking amazing). I really can’t pinpoint one favorite derby memory. This whole season has been an amazing thing to watch and be a part of. The Dolls have been amazingly supportive, and positive influence to have around me. I’ve gone through some health issues these last couple seasons, and I know I wouldn’t have made it this far without the Dolls and the league.
What do you do in your “real” life? I recently switched jobs! I used to be a Strategic Analyst for Target, but now I’m a Data Analyst for Quality Bicycle Products in Bloomington. This new role is something I’m very excited to start and look forward to learning a lot more about bicycles! I graduated from the University of Kansas with a degree in Accounting. Huge numbers nerd here.
Do you have any special talents you would like to tell us about? I can crush the worm. I try to demonstrate my mad “skillz” when I’m announced at bouts. Sometimes I’ll even bring it out when I’m dancing somewhere else. Always places I probably shouldn’t. Oh, a lot of my teammates would probably say my ability to dance behind people without them noticing, could rival anyone else in the Twin Cities.
What other contributions do you make to the league? I am part of the Tech Committee, and a Co-Captain to the Dagger Dolls with Shotgun Millie. People have started to refer to us as Millz n’ Killz. Lookout world… here we come!
Would you like to give a shout-out to anyone?
A. Whore – you know why
Strategic Analytics, Mobility, In-Store Marketing & Energy team from Target – thank you all so much for your support!
All the amazing people at US Federal Credit Union
Dave Ryan & The Morning Show
My family: Dad, Mom, Sister, Brother-in-Law, Aunt & Uncle
Also, anyone who has had to put up with me during my #SSK phase. Woof.