Mar 13, 2015 | Featured Skaters

by Ali Gory
Name: BerNasty (Nasty for short)
Number: 7
Team: Rockits
Position: Blocker – although I did jam that one time
How did you come up with your derby name? My middle name is BerNice after my Grandma K.
How did you get into derby? I met the Rockits on a plane in 2007. Meshugenough gave me cookies and told me I should tryout. 2 weeks later, I did. It took until 2011 to get to bootcamp and then get drafted but the journey has been amazing and worth every minute!
What is your favorite derby memory? So many great memories – my favorite is probably when about 30 of my relatives (and some cool friends) showed up in Duluth to cheer on the Rockits against Harbor City. It was a total surprise and the section of fans in red was fun to hear holler. Oh yeah – and that time I changed Slamda Phage’s life’ during a season 10 game (thankfully it’s on video – I am proud of that moment).
What was your worst derby injury? I broke my tibia and fibula into about 7 pieces on August 7, 2014. 2 plates, 17 screws and 6 months later I was able to skate in the Feb 7th bout! Thanks to my surgeon, PA, friends and family.
What do you do in your “real” life? I am a Program Director for Living Well Disability Services. Great organization!
What other contributions do you make to the league? I am currently the Recruiting Manager and I look forward to helping train new boot campers this summer.
Would you like to give a shout out to anyone? My wife Rachel (Tonic) who supports me every day in all my crazy adventures and never once questioned or doubted my return to the track.