Feb 5, 2015 | Featured Skaters
Kung POW Bitchin’ #313

by Ali Gory
How many years have you been with the Minnesota Rollergirls? This is my second year.
What position do you play? I am a blocker mainly, but I dabble in jamming.
How did you get your derby name? I was at a skating clinic one morning and my husband went crazy. He started texting me name after name. I got probably 100 names from him. Kung POW Bitchin’ appealed to me the most because it had the word POW in it, and I grew up saying bitchin’.
How did you get into derby? I got a deal on a four pack of tickets to a local bout. We were watching, and my husband looked at me and said, “You could do that.” I knew I could totally do that. So, I looked up the recreational team on-line. I added my name to the wait list. From there I started to receive emails about the MNRG clinics.
What do you do in your “real” life? I am a manager for a fire and life safety company. We install and test smoke detectors and sprinkler systems in buildings. I also play soccer, and run around with my two awesome kids.
What other contributions do you make to the league? I am the Marketing Co-Director.
Do you have any special talents you would like us to know about? I pick stuff up with my feet. I guess that is something not everyone can do. I also burn almost everything I cook.
Do you have a favorite workout? Yes, running… and stroller-skating! It’s a good work out. I run up the hills on my toe stops while pushing 90 pounds of children. You should give it a try sometime!
What music do you listen to when you want to get pumped up? I like dance music. You know, music that has a good dancing beat like Britney Spears, Gypsy Kings, Madonna or Ghostland Observatory.
Would you like to give a shout out to anyone? Yeah! I would like to give a shout out to my boys; they’re my biggest fans, and the best kids in the universe! Also to the Dagger Dolls, the best team ever created!